
Blockchain for Social Good: Transforming Lives

blockchain for social good

Since 2016, the IBM Science for Social Good program has launched 28 innovative projects. It has formed 19 partnerships and is waiting on 9 patents. These efforts show how science and tech can tackle big societal problems1. A key success is working with Plastic Bank. They use IBM’s tech to reach over a billion people in poor areas with lots of plastic waste1. This work highlights the big impact blockchain can have on community development and making things better for everyone.

Blockchain is more than just about money. It’s a groundbreaking tool that helps nonprofits be more open and spend less, tackling big issues head-on. With blockchain, groups like IBM are breaking new ground. They’re building open, fair systems that drive real change in society. For example, the IBM Food Trust makes it easy to track coffee’s journey from the farm to your cup. This shows how blockchain can be used in different ways to make the world a better place1.

Key Takeaways

  • IBM Science for Social Good has delivered significant results with 28 projects, 19 partnerships, and 9 patents pending1.
  • Plastic Bank leverages blockchain to assist over a billion people in high-poverty regions1.
  • Blockchain technology boosts transparency and efficiency for nonprofits and charities.
  • IBM Food Trust uses blockchain for coffee traceability, emphasizing sustainable solutions1.
  • Shared systems of record respond to the demands of corporate donors and nonprofits.

Introduction to Blockchain for Social Good

Blockchain technology is a major innovation, much like the internet. It has the power to change many areas, including nonprofits and charities2. By using blockchain, these groups can become more transparent, accountable, and efficient. This makes it easier for them to connect with companies who want to help3. It also solves issues with the accuracy of information in the public sector. This builds trust and credibility3.

Blockchain enables communities with solutions that spread and share power. For instance, it allows for secure and decentralized management of personal data through identity verification. It opens up financial inclusion and access to services for those who are often left out4. Non-custodial wallets let users fully own their digital assets and private keys. This lowers the risk of theft and unauthorized access in social programs4.

Blockchain’s potential for social good also includes creating new ways to govern. These ways reflect principles of self-rule, decentralization, and fair distribution3. This is great for nonprofits and charities aiming for transparent and just systems. For example, blockchain voting systems can stop voter fraud. They improve trust in democratic methods, essential for the legitimacy of humanitarian aid and philanthropic work4.

Experts believe blockchain can change business practices and how governments serve people2. It offers unchangeable and clear records. Blockchain encourages a future where technology promotes social good worldwide. Supporting this idea is ConsenSys’ $50 million fund. It backs startups using blockchain to tackle social challenges3.

  1. Bitcoin and Ethereum are the two leading digital currencies using blockchain2.
  2. Studies show that blockchain can address various issues, including making energy use more efficient and scalable. This contributes to its worldwide social impact4.
  3. Blockchain for Social Impact focuses on improving access to blockchain education. It also fosters discussions on its socio-economic benefits2.

How Blockchain is Advancing Nonprofits and Charities

Blockchain technology is changing how nonprofits and charities work. It makes things more open and saves money. With blockchain, these groups can show their work is honest and responsible.

Improving Transparency and Trust

For blockchain projects that help people, being open is key. Over 84% of younger people trust charities more when they see how the money is used5. About 51% believe it’s vital for charities to show where their money goes5. With blockchain, charities can keep unchangeable records, track donations, and show their impact. This builds trust with donors5.

Using blockchain technology, groups can show how they use every dollar. This lowers the chance of theft or misuse of funds5.

Streamlining Operations and Reducing Costs

Blockchain also makes charities work better and costs less. Since COVID-19, over 70% of them have seen fewer donations6. Blockchain cuts out the middleman for cheaper and clearer dealings7. Money gets where it’s going faster and cheaper than old ways7.

Blockchain encourages charities to use smart contracts. This means less need for other parties and lower costs5.

Sustainable Blockchain Solutions for Environmental Impact

Sustainable blockchain projects are spearheading efforts to tackle environmental issues. They do this by improving how we track and report on our environment. For example, blockchain helps keep an eye on carbon emissions. This effort is key to fighting climate change.

Tracking and Auditing Environmental Practices

Blockchain holds great promise for better environmental tracking and auditing. Take 2019, when Bitcoin’s emissions matched Switzerland’s. This highlighted the urgency for greener blockchain technologies8. Switching to proof of stake (PoS) methods, like Ethereum has, could slash energy use by nearly 100% compared to proof of work (PoW)9. Additionally, initiatives like Open Forest Protocol use blockchain for trustworthy ecosystem restoration funding9.

Promoting Sustainable Supply Chains

Blockchain is also crucial for sustainable supply chains. It ensures that every part of the chain meets eco-friendly standards. For example, it can track products from origin to delivery, checking their eco-credentials and carbon outputs. This encourages responsible labor and sourcing practices9. Companies such as Provenance use blockchain to make supply chains more transparent. This helps businesses achieve their sustainability objectives8.

Moreover, adopting Layer 2 solutions like sidechains can cut the environmental toll of blockchain. They do this by easing the load on the primary blockchain9. These eco-friendly blockchain solutions let us confirm if products are sustainable. They’re changing how we manage environmental practices across sectors. Plus, blockchain can power decentralized trades of excess solar energy between homes. This boosts the trade efficiency of renewable energy and lessens our need for traditional energy sources9.

Empowering Communities with Blockchain Technology

Blockchain technology offers a powerful way to uplift communities. It tackles financial exclusion and boosts local economies. Through decentralized services like microloans and peer-to-peer trading, it creates safe, open ways for everyone to join in the economy.

Financial Inclusion for Underserved Populations

Billions worldwide face financial inequality, missing out on economic chances due to no banking access. The World Bank notes, over 1.7 billion adults are bankless, hindering community advancement1011. This issue hits low-income people hardest. Centralized systems, often seen as untrustworthy and pricey, slow down efforts to include everyone financially11.

But, with blockchain, there’s hope. This tech can provide fair services like small loans, peer lending, and cheaper ways to send money home. It opens doors to the financial world for those previously locked out10.

Enhancing Local Economies and Infrastructure

Blockchain is also key in strengthening local businesses and infrastructure. For example, BitPesa helps African businesses trade globally more smoothly10. While BanQu offers a secure way to record financial activities, helping the poor access banking services10.

Moreover, it supports fair decision-making, lowering the chance of corruption found in central rule. Communities can now act together more effectively11. The Grameen Foundation and RippleWorks use blockchain to make giving and microloans more transparent and efficient. This shows the positive change blockchain brings to communities10.

Blockchain in Humanitarian Efforts

In recent years, blockchain initiatives have greatly improved how aid is given and donations are checked for authenticity. This technology lets organizations track and distribute aid in real-time. This helps increase trust and transparency in their work.

Real-Time Aid Tracking and Distribution

The World Food Programme (WFP) has launched projects like Building Blocks. This project gave electronic cash to over 10,000 Syrian refugees in Jordan. It handled more than USD $1,000,000 in transactions and cut transaction fees by 98%12. These projects show how blockchain can make giving aid more efficient and secure.

Ensuring Authenticity and Preventing Fraud

Blockchain’s transparent, unchangeable record-keeping is key in stopping fraud and corruption in aid efforts. It makes sure every transaction is checked and recorded accurately. This builds trust with donors and those receiving aid. The Start Network’s work with Disberse is a good example of making finance in humanitarian aid more clear and efficient with blockchain12. Projects like “Project I AM” also show how blockchain can protect refugees’ identities and help them learn IT skills12. These efforts could greatly change how aid is given, making it more reliable and trusted.

Blockchain Applications for Healthcare and Vaccine Distribution

Blockchain is changing healthcare, making records safe and easy to trace. It tracks drugs and vaccines from start to finish. This ensures that medical supplies are safe and get to where they need to go. Studies show blockchain’s promise in healthcare, especially for tracking medicine and health records13. Around USD 25.7 billion is wasted every year on managing supplies. Blockchain can greatly cut these costs14.

Experts suggest a special blockchain to fight fake vaccines and keep track of them13. By 2022, the money spent on blockchain for health will likely reach over USD 500 million14. This shows how much people believe in blockchain’s power to do good.

A study by Qiu Z and Zhu Y suggested a blockchain design to stop fake vaccines and keep them well-tracked13.

Blockchain helps solve big data storage problems14. It also lets sensors send health data safely14. These steps are part of a big plan to use blockchain to make a difference in society.

The world’s health experts are turning to blockchain because of COVID-19. It helps gather and share information safely15. This was key in protecting personal health records against the pandemic. It’s said that India might face another COVID-19 wave by October 202115. This shows how important it is to have strong blockchain systems in healthcare15.

Blockchain Application Benefit
Vaccine Anti-Counterfeiting Ensures authenticity and traceability13
Supply Chain Management Reduces unnecessary costs and manages efficient distribution14
Data Collection and Sharing Allows secure and rapid exchange of critical medical data14
Pandemic Response Improves monitoring and timely intervention during health crises15

Ethical Blockchain Projects in Supply Chain Transparency

Ethical blockchain projects are key in making supply chains more transparent. They allow consumers to check the origin and path of products. These projects help spot and boost ethical practices across the supply chain. They tackle issues like corruption and worker abuse while promoting responsible buying.

A study of seven big U.S. companies found blockchain greatly improved how supply chains work. Early efforts showed blockchain could make delivering products faster and cheaper. It increased product tracking, streamlined financing, and improved coordination among everyone involved16.

Evidence from a Deloitte study suggests supply chain leaders are focusing on strategic investments. They aim to foresee supply chain risks and track environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance. This strategy helps build trust among many partners17. Also, blockchain can help manage Scope 3 emissions in industries that use a lot of resources. This boosts both transparency and accountability17.

Real examples show how blockchain is used in practice. Deloitte’s Supply Chain team has put blockchain to work for clients facing complex issues17. Firms like Mitsubishi Chemical Group have turned to blockchain to improve their supply chain’s circularity. This shows blockchain’s effective use in certain sectors17. Resources like Morningstar Sustainalytics and Harvard Business Review explain how blockchain aids in climate action and transparent supply chains17.

For these blockchain projects to work well, a trusted network of allowed users is needed. They also need a new way of agreeing on transactions and safety steps to avoid fake or harmful products16. As these projects grow, they offer a clear, trustworthy, and effective way to manage supply chains. This leads to positive changes in communities.

The outlook for ethical blockchain projects in supply chain transparency is bright. More sectors are starting to use these innovative solutions. Blockchain is changing how we see and interact with supply chains. It ensures honesty and responsibility at each step.

Innovative Blockchain for Social Impact in Education

Blockchain technology is changing education in big ways. It makes storing academic records safe and improves access to learning materials. By using blockchain for good, it’s easier to recognize educational qualifications. This helps make sure students everywhere get fair chances.

Secure and Immutable Educational Credentials

Blockchain is great for keeping educational records safe. The old ways of handling records took too long and could be faked. With blockchain, records are safe, can be checked easily, and can’t be changed. This lets schools and businesses trust the educational achievements they see.

The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) shows how blockchain can make aid distribution direct and clear. This idea can also make educational records fraud-proof and more trustworthy18.

Improving Access to Educational Resources

Many regions struggle with getting to educational materials. Blockchain can help solve this by making sharing information decentralized and open. The European Union’s Anti-Money Laundering Directive (AMLD) uses blockchain for better transparency18. This shows blockchain’s role in making information access fair.

Organizations like BanQu use blockchain to give poor people ways to use financial services19. This hints at a future where learning resources are easier to get and shared fairly. It shows how blockchain can do good for society.

Blockchain for Ensuring Fair Trade Practices

Using blockchain can make trade practices fairer. It ensures every step in the supply chain is transparent and fair. Businesses can track goods and materials better, building trust in the market2021.

Verifiable Supply Chain Records

Blockchain creates unchangeable records of transactions. This feature is great for keeping supply chains open and honest21. It helps track products from start to finish. It also supports global goals for sustainability and ethical practices20.

Empowering Small-Scale Producers

Small-scale producers often get paid less because the supply chain is too complex. Blockchain helps prove their products are ethically sourced20. This tech comes with easy-to-use, secure ways to get paid. It lets smaller producers thrive globally and grow fairly.

Blockchain Initiatives for Financial Services

Blockchain technology is changing the financial world fast, bringing new solutions that focus on economic growth and stability. These innovations help fix issues in traditional banking, giving safe and clear ways to make transactions worldwide.

Decentralized Finance and Microloans

Decentralized finance, or DeFi, is a new use of blockchain that’s changing how microloans work. It lets people without much access to banks, and small companies, get loans without the old-school bank process. Now, around 1.4 billion adults don’t have a bank account, showing a big chance for blockchain to help22.

By using blockchain, microloans become easier to get, cost less in fees, and are more open than old ways of lending22. DeFi can turn informal money exchanges into official ones, helping more people join in the economy and grow it23.

Secure Remittance Services

Blockchain is also improving how money is sent across countries, making it secure and cheaper. Old-school ways to send money abroad are expensive, costing between 2.7% and 3.5% per transfer22. But blockchain remittances can cut these fees to almost nothing, just 0-1%22.

Studies show blockchain might even do away with the current system, removing expensive middlemen like correspondent banks23. These blockchain remittance services offer faster, clearer transactions and help reach people who don’t usually get financial services. This is part of the bigger goal to use blockchain for social good24.

Real-World Use Cases of Blockchain for Social Good

Blockchain technology is making a big difference in solving global challenges. Programs like Plastic Bank and Farmer Connect are leading the way. They use blockchain for impactful social good.

Plastic Bank’s Waste Management System

Plastic Bank demonstrates the power of blockchain for community upliftment. It turns plastic waste into a source of income for those in need. By collecting and recycling, people earn money and help the environment.

This initiative not only cleans up the environment but also boosts economic growth. It makes life better for many families25. Public blockchains ensure these transactions are open and honest26.

Farmer Connect’s Coffee Traceability Project

Farmer Connect is improving how we track coffee’s journey. It uses blockchain to make the supply chain clear. This lets buyers know the coffee is sourced responsibly, supporting fair trade27.

Because blockchain records can’t be changed, this information is secure and trustworthy25. Consumers can then make choices that support ethical farming. This helps farmers who work in sustainable ways.

Challenges and Future Prospects of Blockchain for Social Good

The future of blockchain technology is full of promise for social good. Yet, it faces hurdles like scalability. Networks such as Ethereum have trouble with high transaction volumes. This leads to higher costs and delays. Solving these issues is key for projects that aim to make a big social impact.

challenges and future of social impact blockchain

Overcoming Scalability Issues

To adopt blockchain widely, solving scalability is essential. Using Layer 2 solutions and sharding might help expand blockchain for social good. For example, blockchain was crucial for Ukraine during a crisis, allowing it to receive global donations efficiently via Ethereum28. These success stories show why overcoming scalability is important for big operations.

Ensuring Data Privacy and Security

For blockchain to change society, keeping data private and secure is a must. Blockchain’s design offers better security for private information. Like how blockchain helped AT&T keep Covid vaccine temperatures controlled28. It also helps stop the spread of fake meds, making sure real drugs get to those in need28.

Addressing these challenges improves blockchain’s social impact and builds trust. Companies like IBM are working on transparent supply chains with blockchain29. This builds accountability and trust. With continued effort, blockchain’s future in making a social impact looks bright.


The journey of blockchain in promoting social good has unveiled its immense potential. It has made processes in nonprofits and charities more transparent. Communities benefit through financial inclusion, boosting local economies. The rise of digital tech, like smartphones and the internet, has helped bridge the digital gap. This was especially clear during the COVID-19 lockdowns30.

Blockchain is steering sustainable actions, better healthcare, and humanitarian work. Projects like PlanetWatch’s cannot be changed air quality management show how we can protect our environment31. Ethereum’s Alice.Si project is another example, improving trust in charity using blockchain31. These examples highlight blockchain’s role in big social projects, ensuring they are true and fraud-free.

Blockchain is also making a big difference in funding social projects through Social Impact Bonds (SIBs). This method makes funding more transparent and processes automatic using smart contracts. It cuts costs and draws more investors32. Blockchain is growing, offering chances for fair practices and better access to important services. It empowers communities with new financial options. To learn more about these changes, check out this link here.


What is the concept of blockchain for social good?

It uses blockchain beyond cryptocurrencies to tackle society’s challenges. It turns problems into chances for worldwide communities.

How does blockchain improve transparency and trust in nonprofits and charities?

Blockchain creates a secure, unchangeable ledger. This system prevents record tampering, offering a clear truth to boost trust.

What role do smart contracts play in nonprofit organizations?

Smart contracts make operations smoother and cheaper by automating them. They cut out middlemen and boost efficiency and transparency.

How does blockchain contribute to sustainable environmental practices?

Blockchain technology checks and records green practices. It brings transparency to eco-friendly supply chains, letting people verify product ethics.

In what ways does blockchain technology empower underserved communities?

Blockchain opens doors to financial services like small loans and direct transactions. It helps economic involvement and grows communities.

How does blockchain ensure the authenticity and transparency of humanitarian aid?

Blockchain’s clear ledger system tracks aid from start to finish. This stops fraud and corruption, making sure help gets to those who need it.

What are some blockchain applications in healthcare and vaccine distribution?

Blockchain ensures secure tracking of drugs and vaccines. It keeps the supply chain solid, aiding community health and safety.

How do ethical blockchain projects enhance supply chain transparency?

With blockchain, people can check a product’s history. This supports ethical decisions and fights against corruption and unfair labor.

How does blockchain technology improve education?

Blockchain safely keeps educational achievements. It better connects people to learning materials, valuing qualifications and giving easier access to resources.

What is the significance of blockchain in fair trade practices?

Blockchain verifies supply chains to ensure fair pay for small producers. It confirms ethical sourcing, encouraging honest global trading.

How does blockchain benefit financial services?

Blockchain backs decentralized finance, offering small loans to those with limited banking access. It supports clear, swift cross-border money movements.

Can you provide examples of real-world blockchain applications for social good?

Examples include turning plastic waste into currency with Plastic Bank, and Farmer Connect verifying coffee sources as sustainable.

What challenges does blockchain face in achieving widespread adoption for social good?

For widespread acceptance, blockchain must overcome hurdles like scaling, protecting data, and securing its systems for lasting societal benefit.