
Custodial vs Non-Custodial Wallets: Your Best Choice

custodial vs non-custodial wallets

Did you know most new crypto investors start with web-based wallets, which are mainly custodial1? This highlights the need to understand the difference between custodial and non-custodial wallets. The choice impacts your security, use ease, and asset management, whether it’s Bitcoin, Ethereum, or other assets. Custodial wallets mean a third party, like a U.S. crypto … Read more

Empowering Nonprofits with Blockchain Technology

blockchain for nonprofits

Did you know 56% of nonprofits are getting into blockchain technology? This info comes from Stanford University1. Blockchain isn’t just a trendy term. It’s a revolutionary tool ready to change how nonprofits work. This tech brings trust and efficiency to a new level. It makes sure donations are openly managed and used well. This builds … Read more

Secure Your Cash & Cards: Wallet Security Best Practices

wallet security best practices

Did you know over half of Americans now choose digital wallets over old-school payment ways? This big swing to digital wallets shows a move towards not using cash. It’s because they’re easy to use, secure, fast, and open to everyone1. Keeping your wallet safe, whether it’s a real one or online, is super important. Picking … Read more

Maximize Giving: Top Crypto Donation Platforms

crypto donation platforms

Did you know that over 88% of Americans are familiar with cryptocurrencies? And 17% have even put money into them1. Bitcoin’s value alone has soared above $1 trillion. This opens huge doors for charity through digital currency. Nonprofits experience funding challenges, especially during tough times like the COVID-19 pandemic. Crypto donation platforms offer a way … Read more

Unlock Crypto Shopping with Cryptocurrency Gift Cards

cryptocurrency gift cards

Did you know the value of the global cryptocurrency market tops $2 trillion? This booming industry has many uses. Cryptocurrency gift cards are one cool idea. They link digital money and regular stores, making shopping easy and fun. With these gift cards, you can buy things from popular stores like Amazon, eBay, and Target. This … Read more

Secure Your Assets with Blockchain Transaction Monitoring

blockchain transaction monitoring

Did you know private blockchains are safe from 51% attacks, which threaten many public networks1? This strong security is why monitoring blockchain transactions is vital for protecting your digital items. Blockchain’s safety comes from cryptography, spreading out control, and agreement, making it hard to change any information. Monitoring transactions on the blockchain is a key … Read more

Smart Contract Auditing Services: Secure Your Code

smart contract auditing services

In 2023, an eye-opening $1.9 billion was stolen from crypto projects1. This huge loss highlights the need for top-notch smart contract security. As DeFi grows, protecting your code is more crucial than ever. Smart contract auditing services come into play here. They deeply review and strengthen smart contracts. Hacken stands out in the blockchain security … Read more

Blockchain for Social Good: Transforming Lives

blockchain for social good

Since 2016, the IBM Science for Social Good program has launched 28 innovative projects. It has formed 19 partnerships and is waiting on 9 patents. These efforts show how science and tech can tackle big societal problems1. A key success is working with Plastic Bank. They use IBM’s tech to reach over a billion people … Read more

Digital Assets for a Cause: Cryptocurrency in the Non-Profit Sector

An image showcasing a diverse group of people engaged in charitable activities, surrounded by vibrant digital currencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum, symbolizing the growing integration of cryptocurrencies in the non-profit sector

Cryptocurrency has revolutionized the way we exchange value and has gained significant traction in the non-profit sector. With an estimated 5% of global donations made in digital currencies, it is clear that this form of digital asset is becoming a powerful tool for social impact. This article explores the benefits of cryptocurrency donations for non-profit … Read more

Innovative Gifting: How to Give Crypto the Right Way

An image showcasing a beautifully wrapped gift box adorned with holographic ribbons, containing a sleek cryptocurrency hardware wallet nestled amidst a bed of shimmering digital coins

While traditional gifting methods hold their charm, the rise of cryptocurrencies has opened up new avenues for innovative gifting. However, concerns about security and understanding can be a hurdle for those considering giving crypto as a gift. In this article, we will explore the art of giving crypto the right way, from selecting the perfect … Read more